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  • Az irányelv cikkei
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Whereas, (18) , Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, link
  • Megjegyzés

    A Gazdasági Versenyhivatal Versenytanácsának a fogyasztókkal szembeni tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlat tilalmáról szóló 2008. évi XLVII. törvény (Fttv.) kapcsolatos elvi jelentőségű döntései

    Gazdasági Versenyhivatal

    This document serves as a collection of rulings in principle made by the Competition Council of the Hungarian Competition Authority regarding Law XLVII of 2008, which concerned the prohibition of unfair commercial practices against consumers. The document was assembled in 2019 but contains rulings in principle made until the end of 2018 on the subject. Structurally, it is based upon the articles of the law, providing concise summaries of the various rulings in principle that relate to the specific article.

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