
  • Bijzonderheden van de zaak
    • Nationaal ID: ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2016:3362
    • Lidstaat: Nederland
    • Gangbare benaming:Belcentrale vs. Pretium
    • Soort beslissing: Rechterlijke beslissing in beroep
    • Datum beslissing: 15/11/2016
    • Gerecht: Gerechtshof Den-Haag
    • Onderwerp:
    • Eiser: Pretium B.V.
    • Verweerder: Belcentrale B.V.
    • Trefwoorden: consumer, misleading price, misleading statements, telecommunications operator, telephone
  • Richtlijnartikelen
    Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 2, (b)
  • Koptekst
    The mere conclusion that certain information is factually incorrect, does not lead to the conclusion that the information is thus also misleading.
  • Feiten
    Belcentrale and Pretium are two telecom providers that are, inter alia, active in the fixed telephony business. Pretium focuses on the consumers market whereas Belcentrale focuses on the small business market. Belcentrale's mode of operation regarding recruitment of customers for fixed telephony takes place by making certain statements per telephone about, inter alia, the costs of their membership, the fact that they could receive discounts on their minutes call time etc.
  • Juridische kwestie
    Does the mere conclusion that certain information is factually incorrect, lead to the conclusion that the information is thus also misleading?
  • Uitspraak

    The court finds that the mere conclusion that certain information is factually incorrect, does not lead to the conclusion that the information is thus also misleading because that requires additional conditions. A statement cannot be qualified as misleading until it is reasonably presumable that the incorrectness or incompleteness of that statement is of material importance to the decision of the reference person to perform acts with legal consequences. The court rules that the statements made by Belcentrale are misleading.


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  • Verwante zaken

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  • Rechtsleer

    Geen resultaten

  • Resultaat
    The court orders Belcentrale to stop approaching Pretium-members with the misleading statements. Furthermore, the court orders that Belcentrale must pay a judicially imposed penalty for each breach of this restraining order.