
  • Dane sprawy
    • Identyfikator krajowy: KIO 1688/14
    • Państwo członkowskie: Polska
    • Nazwa zwyczajowa:N/A
    • Rodzaj decyzji: Decyzja administracyjna w pierwszej instancji
    • Data decyzji: 02/09/2014
    • Sąd: Krajowa Izba Odwoławcza
    • Temat:
    • Powód/powódka: O. sp. z o.o. sp.k. with registered office in P.
    • Pozwany/Pozwana: State Treasury
    • Słowa kluczowe: national law, price, price comparison, price indication
  • Artykuły dyrektywy
    Price Indication Directive, Article 2, (a) Price Indication Directive, Article 2, (b)
  • Uwaga główna
    The term "price" mentioned in the Act on Public Procurement Law should be interpreted in accordance with the definition of "price" in the Act on Informing about Prices of Goods and Services of 9 May 2014.
  • Fakty
    The plaintiff appealed to the National Appeals Chamber against the result of a public procurement organized by the defendant..

    One of the plaintiff's arguments was that the defendant set a net price as a sub-criterion for choosing the best tender. The importance of this sub-criterion was set at 25%.

    The plaintiff pointed out that the Act on Public Procurement Law does not allow the use of a net price to choose the best tender. In the plaintiff's opinion, the term "price" is defined in the Act on Public Procurement Law by reference to the definition of "price" in the Act on Informing about Prices of Goods and Services. According to that definition, price is a value expressed in monetary units, which the buyer is obliged to pay to a business entity for goods or services; the price should include VAT and excise duty if, under separate provisions, the sale of the goods (services) are subject to such taxation. The plaintiff pointed out that this definition of the "price" in the Public Procurement Law is binding to the economic operator.
  • Zagadnienie prawne
    Should the term "price" mentioned in the Act on Public Procurement Law be interpreted in accordance with the definition of "price" in the Act on Informing about Prices of Goods and Services of 9 May 2014?
  • Decyzja

    The National Appeals Chamber (hereinafter referred to as the court) had to assess several arguments of the plaintiff. One of them concerned the use of a net price as a criterion for assessing bids in a tender.

    The court accepted the plaintiff's view and noted that the Act on Public Procurement Law provides that "price" is a criterion for assessing bids in a tender. The definition of "price" in the Act on Public Procurement Law refers to the definition provided by the Act on Informing about Prices of Goods and Services. Hence, the "price" mentioned in the Act on Public Procurement Law should be interpreted in accordance with the definition of "price" in the Act on Informing About Prices Of Goods And Services of 9 May 2014.

    The court emphasized that if the price is one of the criterion for assessing bids in a tender, it should be the gross price.

    URL: https://www.uzp.gov.pl/kio/orzecznictwo/wyroki

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  • Wynik
    The National Appeals Chamber granted the plaintiff appeal.