
  • Informações sobre o processo
    • ID nacional: 18J/2010
    • Estado-Membro: Portugal
    • Designação comum:N/A
    • Tipo de decisão: Outro
    • Data da decisão: 08/09/2010
    • Tribunal: Segunda Secção do Júri de Ética Publicitária do ICAP (Lisboa)
    • Assunto:
    • Requerente: ANIRSF ("National Association of Manufacturers of Fruit Juices and Soft Drinks")
    • Requerido: FENELAC ("National Federation of Milk Producers’ Cooperatives")
    • Palavras-chave: misleading advertising, product characteristics, self regulatory body
  • Artigos da diretiva
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 6, 1.
  • Nota introdutória
    It does not constitute a misleading advertising to claim that soft drinks generally contain "0% milk". Consumers are not misled in relation to any of the characteristics of either milk products or soft drink products by such claim.
  • Factos
    The defendant launched an advertising campaign consisting of a television commercial that informed consumers on the amount of milk present in a number of food and drink products. Among the food products compared was an image of a generic soft drink can while a voice-over announced that it contained "0% milk".

    The plaintiff complained (inter alia) that the defendant was attempting to mislead consumers into thinking that soft drinks have negative characteristics as compared to milk products.
  • Questões jurídicas
    Is a statement that a particular group of food and drink products does not contain another product, capable of misleading the average consumer as to the characteristics of either group of products?
  • Decisão

    Advertising statements to the effect that "soft drinks" contain "0% milk" are not capable of misleading the average consumer as to the characteristics of either soft drinks or milk

    URL: http://www.icap.pt/icapv2/icap_site/deliberacao_detalhe.php?AG4JPQ51=ADotela9Xr1&AHAJJg5i=&AGoJNwtela9Xr1tela9Xr1=ADAJag4x

    Texto integral: Texto integral

  • Processos conexos

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  • Bibliografia jurídica

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  • Resultado
    The plaintiff’s request denied.