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    Matters of matrimonial property regimes


    Conținut furnizat de


    Instrumentul de căutare de mai jos vă va ajuta să identificați instanțele/autoritățile competente pentru un anumit instrument juridic european. Rețineți că deși am făcut eforturi pentru a stabili exactitatea rezultatelor, este posibil ca anumite cazuri excepționale privind determinarea competenței să nu fie acoperite.


    Dreptul familiei – Materia regimurilor matrimoniale

    *mențiuni obligatorii

    Article 64(1) (a) - the courts or authorities with competence to deal with applications for a declaration of enforceability in accordance with Article 44(1) and with appeals against decisions on such applications in accordance with Article 49(2)

    The courts with jurisdiction to deal with applications for a declaration of enforceability under Article 44(1) of the Regulation are the Enforcement Court (Exekutionsgericht) or District Court (Bezirksgericht) where the defendant is domiciled.

    The court with jurisdiction to deal with appeals against decisions on applications for a declaration of enforceability is the higher Regional Court (Landesgericht); however, the appeal must be lodged with the court of first instance that issued the decision.

    Article 64(1) (b) - the procedures to contest the decision given on appeal referred to in Article 50

    Appeals against points of law (Revisionsrekurs) are made to the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) but must be lodged with the court of first instance.

    Article 65 (1) - the list of the other authorities and legal professionals referred to in Article 3(2)

    In Austria, there are no other authorities or legal professionals with competence within the meaning of Article 3(2) in matters of matrimonial property regimes.

    Last update: 24/04/2023

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