Ir-rikonoxximent reċiproku ta' formoli għall-miżuri protettivi

A protection measure ordered in civil matters in an EU country shall be recognised in all other EU coutries without any special procedure being required.

Regulation (EU) No 606/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters applies between all countries of the European Union with the exception of Denmark.

The Regulation provides for two standard forms (certificate) adopted as Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 939/2014 of 2 September 2014 establishing the certificates referred to in Articles 5 and 14 of Regulation (EU) No 606/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters.

Related links

For more information on the mutual recognition of protection measures.

For information about the competent authorities and languages accepted for translation.

Submission of forms to competent authority

Completed forms should be sent to the relevant competent authority in a manner required by the authority. More information on the contact details for competent authorities, relevant national legislature etc. can be found in the European Judicial Atlas section. This page contains dedicated national factsheets, some of which provide information on the competent authorities to which to send completed forms.

Tista’ timla dawn il-formoli onlajn billi tikklikkja fuq waħda minn dawn il-links hawn taħt. Jekk diġà bdejt formola u ssejvjajt abbozz, tista’ ttellagħha  billi tuża’ l-buttuna “Illowdja l-abbozz”.

Mill-1 ta’ Jannar 2021, ir-Renju Unit ma għadux Stat Membru tal-UE. Madankollu, fil-qasam tal-ġustizzja ċivili, il-proċeduri u l-proċeduri mibdija fi tmiem il-perjodu ta’ tranżizzjoni se jkomplu skont il-liġi tal-UE. Sa tmiem l-2024, ir-Renju Unit jista’ jkompli jintgħażel fil-formoli (dinamiċi) online għall-iskop ta’ dawk il-proċedimenti u proċeduri. Eċċezzjoni għal din ir-regola huma l-formoli tad-dokumenti Pubbliċi, li fi fihom ir-Renju Unit m’għandux jintgħażel.

Jekk jogħġbok innota li jekk taqbeż it-30 minuta ta' inattività, kull ma daħħalt jintilef jekk ma tissejvjax abbozz!

  • Ċertifikat maħruġ skont l-Artikolu 5
    • b’din il-lingwa il-Malti
      Iddawnlowdja formola vojta b’din il-lingwa il-Malti (ibdel il-Lingwa)
  • Ċertifikat maħruġ skont l-Artikolu 14
    • b’din il-lingwa il-Malti
      Iddawnlowdja formola vojta b’din il-lingwa il-Malti (ibdel il-Lingwa)

Jekk diġà għandek xi formola ssejvjata, jekk jogħġbok ara li tuża l-buttuna 'Illowdja l-abbozz'.

Jekk diġà għandek xi formola ssejvjata, jekk jogħġbok ara li tuża l-buttuna 'Illowdja l-abbozz'.

This page is maintained by the European Commission. The information on this page does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission. The Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice with regard to copyright rules for European pages.

Last update : 26/04/2022