Tsiviilõiguse valdkonnas jätkuvad ELi õiguse kohaselt need pooleliolevaid menetlused, mis on algatatud enne üleminekuperioodi lõppu. Vastastikusel kokkuleppel Ühendkuningriigiga hoiab e-õiguskeskkonna portaal Ühendkuningriigiga seotud asjakohast teavet oma portaalis kuni 2024. aasta lõpuni.

Restrictions on successions – special rules

Inglismaa ja Wales
Sisu koostaja:
European Judicial Network
Euroopa õigusalase koostöö võrgustik (tsiviil- ja kaubandusasjades)

1 Under the law of this Member State, do special rules impose, for economic, family or social considerations, restrictions concerning or affecting the succession in respect of immoveable property, certain enterprises or other special categories of assets located in this Member State?


2 Under the law of this Member State, do these special rules apply to the succession in respect of the above-mentioned assets irrespective of the law applicable to the succession?

Not applicable.

3 Under the law of this Member State, do special procedures exist to ensure compliance with the above-mentioned special rules?

Not applicable.

Last update: 17/12/2018

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