Judgments in civil and commercial matters - Brussels I Regulation


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Priznavanje i izvršenje sudskih odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima – Uredba Bruxelles I.

*obvezan unos

Annex I - The rules of jurisdiction referred to in Article 3(2) and Article 4(2)

- in Germany: Article 23 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung).

Annex II - The courts or competent authorities to which the application referred to in Article 39 may be submitted

- in Germany:

(a) the presiding Judge of a chamber of the 'Landgericht';

(b) a notary (Notar) in a procedure of declaration of enforceability of an authentic instrument.

Annex III - The courts with which appeals referred to in Article 43(2) may be lodged

- in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Oberlandesgericht.

Annex IV- The appeals which may be lodged pursuant to Article 44

-in Germany, a Rechtsbeschwerde.

Last update: 21/08/2023

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