Jekk jogħġbok innota li l-verżjoni bil-lingwa oriġinali ta' din il-paġna il-Ġermaniż ġiet emendata reċentement. Il-verżjoni tal-lingwa li qed tara bħalissa attwalment qed tiġi ppreparata mit-tradutturi tagħna.
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Court fees concerning Small Claims procedure


Il-kontenut ipprovdut minn
Ma hemm l-ebda traduzzjoni uffiċjali tal-verżjoni tal-lingwa li qed tara.
Hawnhekk tista' tara verżjoni tradotta awtomatikament ta' dan il-kontenut. Jekk jogħġbok innota li din hi pprovduta biss għal finijiet kuntestwali. Is-sid ta’ din il-paġna ma jaċċetta ebda responsabbiltà jew obbligazzjoni fir-rigward tal-kwalità ta’ dan it-test tradott b'mod awtomatiku.


What fees are applicable?

How much shall I pay?

What happens if I do not pay the court fees on time?

How can I pay the court fees?

What shall I do after the payment?


The court costs for the European small claims procedure are set out in the Law on Court Costs (Gerichtskostengesetz).

The court requests the payment of court costs by way of a court cost invoice. Fees are due when the application initiating the procedure is lodged. However, the progress of the procedure does not depend on the payment of fees.

In addition to the applicant, anyone on whom such liability is imposed by the court, or anyone who assumes liability as part of a settlement, is also liable for the court fees.

What fees are applicable?

The specific fees are listed in an appendix (Cost Index – Kostenverzeichnis) to the Law on Court Costs. Point 1210 of the Cost Index specifies a fee rate of 3.0 for the European small claims procedure. In case of early termination of the procedure, this fee is reduced to a rate of 1.0 (Point 1211 of the Cost Index).

The amount of the fee is determined by the amount in dispute, which is usually identical to the value of the claim lodged.

How much shall I pay?

Fees payable:

Values up to

3.0 fee rate

1.0 fee rate




1 000.00



1 500.00



2 000.00



In addition to the fees, all expenses incurred must be paid, such as the costs of service, witnesses, experts and interpreters.

What happens if I do not pay the court fees on time?

Unpaid legal costs will be recovered by enforcement by the court cash desks (Gerichtskassen).

How can I pay the court fees?

Payment is possible by bank transfer to the account indicated in the invoice. The reference number must be indicated in the transfer.

a) by bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer is possible.

b) by credit card

Payment by credit card is not possible.

c) by direct debit from your bank account

Payment by direct debit is not possible.

d) other methods of payment (please specify)

No other methods of payment are available.

What shall I do after the payment?

The progress of the procedure does not depend on the payment.

Last update: 05/11/2020

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