Jekk jogħġbok innota li l-verżjoni bil-lingwa oriġinali ta' din il-paġna il-Franċiż ġiet emendata reċentement. Il-verżjoni tal-lingwa li qed tara bħalissa attwalment qed tiġi ppreparata mit-tradutturi tagħna.
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Defendants (criminal proceedings)


It is very important to obtain independent advice from a lawyer when you are involved in any way in criminal proceedings. The information sheets tell you when and under what circumstances you are entitled to be represented by a lawyer. They also tell you how the lawyer will help you. This general information sheet will show you how to find a lawyer and how the lawyer’s fees will be covered if you are unable to pay him.

Il-kontenut ipprovdut minn
Ma hemm l-ebda traduzzjoni uffiċjali tal-verżjoni tal-lingwa li qed tara.
Hawnhekk tista' tara verżjoni tradotta awtomatikament ta' dan il-kontenut. Jekk jogħġbok innota li din hi pprovduta biss għal finijiet kuntestwali. Is-sid ta’ din il-paġna ma jaċċetta ebda responsabbiltà jew obbligazzjoni fir-rigward tal-kwalità ta’ dan it-test tradott b'mod awtomatiku.

How to find a lawyer

You have the absolute right to be assisted by a lawyer in all cases. You can either call upon the lawyer of your choice or contact the Luxembourg Bar to obtain the list of lawyers in order to choose one to your liking.

If you do not choose a lawyer or if the Chairman of the Bar Association [Bâtonnier de l’Ordre des Avocats] considers your choice to be inappropriate, it will be up to the Chairman to appoint him. The lawyer is obliged to accept the instruction given to him, unless he is unable to do so or has a conflict of interest.

If you have been detained, you may ask the investigating judge at the start of the proceedings to arrange for you to be assisted by a duty lawyer or by the lawyer of your choice.

How to pay a lawyer

Lawyers set their own fees. If you do not have sufficient income to pay a lawyer, you can request legal aid from the courts’ judicial information service.

A judicial information service exists in Luxembourg, Diekirch and Esch-sur-Alzette:

  • Luxembourg: Cité Judiciaire, Bâtiment CR, L-2080, Luxembourg, Tel : 22 18 46
  • Diekirch: at Aler Kiirch, B.P.66 L-9201 Diekirch, Tel: 80 23 15
  • Esch-sur-Alzette: place de la Résistance, L-4002 Esch/Alzette, Tel: 54 15 52

You are considered to be someone with inadequate resources if you do not have financial means in excess of the statutory guaranteed minimum.

Related links

Ministry of Justice – Legal aid

Ministry of Justice – Legal assistance

Last update: 05/04/2016

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